We hope everyone had a Happy Easter! We should have puppy announcements in May!!! We are hoping for Red, Apricot, Merle, & Black (including Black & Tan or possibly Tri Color) We will post the announcements here, so be sure to check back next month!
We would also like to let everyone know we will be taking some time off in between the last litters that just went home and these upcoming litters. Puppies take a lot of time so we are going to focus on family time before the new arrivals. Please note that emails will be answered but they will be delayed as we will only be checking them once or twice a week. Please know that is you are on the waiting list we will still be updating with any puppy news but that won't be until May.
We will be back in May with puppy updates!

Thank you for today's update! We're looking forward to the May announcements! We can hardly wait for the time when we're at the top of the waiting list! Our girls ask all the time if we've heard any puppy news! I hope you have a refreshing family break time ❤ The De Jong family, Pensacola, FL